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—Paperback (4.25 x 6.875 inches, 60 pages)

The Sales Representative Will Be Right Back

Graphic design does not always fit well in a museum or gallery setting.  As Rachel Berger explains,1 most graphic design is small and flat. Small and flat, of course, lends itself well to mass reproduction and wide distribution, but it does not command a room. Once the product of a design practice does begin to command a room, people no longer think of it as graphic design. The gallery and the museum are the natural habitat of a precious singularity. The dollar store, in Berger’s example—the trade show, or academic conference, in the case of the Are Not Books project—is the “temple of the multiple.”2


  1. Rachel Berger, in Sueda, Jon, The Way Beyond Art: The Wide White Space. San Francisco, CA: CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, 74.
  2. Berger, page 74. 

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